An armed robbery and a home invasion robbery were reported within 15 minutes of each other near Temple University's campus in North Philadelphia.
The home invasion robbery on Sydenham Street, near Jefferson Street, involved a Temple University student. The crime happened around 11:45 p.m. Tuesday.
"Looked out the window, and just suddenly there was a blockade of police cars blocking both exits," remarked student Rares Nechita, who lives across the street.
"It shows that there's a lot to be done in terms of safety around, even right next to campus. We're maybe a block away from Morgan," stated student Gabriel Lins.
Police say the suspect approached the 21-year-old student near his apartment and held a gun to him.
Police say the suspect followed the student inside his apartment and took laptops, wallets and an Xbox.
Students in the apartment called 911.
No one was injured.
People who live nearby said they were not surprised.
"My car got broken into last week, so I know how it is over here, but that's kind of crazy that's right there," said student Joey Gamm.
"It's not the first time that this is happening on this street," said student Slavko Savic, who added a friend of his, who used to live here, was robbed on this street.
Then around midnight, an armed robbery took place at 17th and Diamond streets.
A second Temple alert was sent to students.
"The first one, I didn't really know where it was so I didn't think about it, but the second one is close to where I live. So, it was a little creepy to wake up in the middle of the night and know that that had just happened," said Temple student Jackie Condly.
The 22-year-old victim, who is not a Temple student, told police he was waiting to cross the intersection when he was approached from behind.
Police say three males in ski masks assaulted him and robbed him at knifepoint, taking $100 and an iPhone.
"I already try not to be out alone at night the way it is. I usually either walk with friends or carry pepper spray or something with me just I case," said student Camryn Heinbach.
"They already extended safety measures. I'm from a neighborhood, I feel like I'm ok as long as you don't go out late by yourself, that's just explanatory, so I think just be self-aware," said student Legecee Mitchell.
The suspects in both of these incidents got away.